In recent years tourism has developed as an industry employing large number of people. Numerous operational areas in tourism also offer immense opportunities for entrepreneurs to establish their own business – big or small. Yet Tourism Studies as an academic discipline is not very well developed. Opportunities for its study are also limited. A large number of the work force has had no formal study in various aspects of tourism.
These people are scattered all over the country, may not have access to institutions offering only limited number of seats in tourism courses. Hence, these programmes have been developed keeping in mind people who in future intend to make their career in some branch of tourism, or are already working in tourism related areas at various levels.
- Teacher: Dr Tangjakhombi Akoijam
- Teacher: Dr. Arvind Kumar Dubey
- Teacher: Dr. Sonia Sharma
- Teacher: Dr. Paramita Suklabaidya

Since tourism studies consist of a variety of themes contributed by different disciplines like history, sociology, anthropology ,economics, management, marketing, Geography, environmental sciences, agriculture etc.
It is logical to accept contributions from each and every disciplines and our attempt is to synthesise all within the ambit of tourism studies.
The present course provides you with an understanding of the tourists and hosts in the beginning and switch over to a discussion on the role of the guides and escorts in tourism industry. This is followed by two different kinds of case studies, like, products and operations and promotional skills.
At the end TS-2 course has included a few experiences of professional bodies involved directly or indirectly with tourism industry for long.
- Teacher: Dr. Arvind Kumar Dubey
- Teacher: Dr. Paramita Suklabaidya